martes, 21 de junio de 2016

Dani Martín

Dani Martín was born in 19th February 1977. He and his family lived in a village of Madrid. Since he was a child, he imitated his favourite artist in his living room. He dreamt of having his own band someday. When he finished his studies, Dani appeared in cinema and television. While he was having roles on television, he started working as a dolivery man.

In 1994, he created the band "El Canto del Loco" with Iván Ganchegui, David Otero (his cousin), Jandro Velázquez and Chema Ruiz. They published a lot of albums but in 2009, "El Canto del Loco" decided to separate so Dani began a solo musical career. In 2010, he published his first song "16 añitos" and two months later, he published his firts album "Pequeño". Two songs ("Mi Lamento" and "El cielo de los perros") were desicated to his sister. She died in 2009, when she was 34 years old. She had a stroke. In 2013, he published his second album "Dani Martín".

lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

Internet and books

Nowadays, books are still used by a lot of people but you can find the information on Internet faster than in books. On the Internet, you can find lots of photos, videos and information but you cannot in books.On Internet,there is unlimited information while books are already written and can not expand the information. One disadvantage of the Internet is that you can easily get distracted. Books, on the other hand, may have outdated information. All in all, I think that the Internet is much better than books

domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Mon voyage

C'était en 2010, le 17 mars exactement... J'habitais à Málaga mais je voyageais à Madrid avec ma famille. Nous sommes partis en voiture, il y avait beaucoup de brouillard. Quand ma mère était distraite, un chat est passé. Nous avons crié et nous avons roulé sur la piste cyclable et nous avons heurté contre un arbre. Ma petite soeur était apeurée et notre voiture avait beaucoup de dégâts. Après, j'ai appellé à la police et à l'ambulance. Quand elle est arrivée, les policiers ont cherché des témains. Ensuite, le grue est arrivée nous avons appellé un taxi. Finalement, nous avons acheté une neuvelle voiture.

sábado, 9 de abril de 2016

Lucie Aubrac

Lucie Aubrac est née à Mâcon le 29 juin 1912 et elle est morte le 14 mars 2007 à Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine). Ses parents sont né à Saône-et-Loire. C'est l'épouse de Raymond Aubrac. Elle était professeur d'histoire. Elle était intéressée à la politique. Lorsqu'elle a été à la faculté, elle a milité aux Jeunesses communistes.
En 1939 la Seconde Guerre mondiale éclate, elle a décidé d'entrer dans la Résistance. Alors que la France est occuppée par les Allemands, elle a milité pour que la population retrouve sa liberté. Avec Raymond, ils ont participé à de nombreuses actions clondestines. Elle a participé à la création d'un grand mouvent de résistance, Libération-Sud.

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

The Community Fund

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to enquire about lottery funds for a community project in our town.
Málaga is a big town in the south of Spain. There are a lot of football grounds but there are not any basketball grounds. So we would like to build several basketball grounds. In these grounds, the children could play basketball with their family or their friends.
If you have any questions about our project, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Paula Diéguez

Paula Diéguez Gutiérrez
Student, Málaga


Hello, my name's Paula Diéguez and I'm fifteen years old. When I was ten years old, I had a car accident with my mother. Since that day I'm blind. My mother only broke her leg. When I was twelve years old, my family bought a dog for me. She's called Wendy and she helps me in a many occasions. Wendy guides me in the street, when I cross the street and when there are things in front of me, she moves.

I also had to learn special skills, like reading Braille. At the moment, I go to the secondary school. I need help with one or two thinfs such as taking notes at school and my friends help me.

Anne Frank

Anne Frank was born on 12th June 1929 in Germany. Her parents ( Otto Frank and Edith Holländer), her sister Margot and she were a German Jewish family.

His father worked in a bank and her mother was a housewife, while the two sisters were playing happily with other children in the neighbourhood.
When Hitler and his party accused the jews of the social and economic problems, the number of antisemites increased in Germany.

On June 12th 1942, it was Anne Frank's birthday and her parents gave her a diary. In this diary, she wrote about her experiences while being hidden for two years with her family in a small and hidden appartament the nazis wanted to kill all jews during World War II.
Two years later, they were captured by the nazis. They were transported to death camps and only her father survived.
Anne Frank died on 12th March 1945 of an illness in Bergen-Belsen death camp.

After Otto realized that his family has died, someone (Miep Gies) gave him Anne's diary and as he wanted to make Anne's dream come true ( to become a writer), he published the diary and it became very famous.